Bananas and Bullets: The Impact of US Interventions in Central America
Bananas and Bullets: The Impact of US Interventions in Central America

From 1898 to 1934, the United States conducted a series of military interventions in Latin America. These expeditions, commonly referred to as “small wars” and these had a significant impact on the development of Marine Corps tactics and counterinsurgency strategies for upcoming conflicts. Evidence suggests that these invasions and occupations were motivated by safeguarding American enterprises, establishing financial and military dominance in the region, and preventing the spread of European influence across the continent.

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Syria’s Fragile Future: From Assad’s Rule to a Transitional Government
Syria's Fragile Future: From Assad's Rule to a Transitional Government

In 1970, Hafez Al-Assad gained power in Syria through a military coup. He expanded his control through torture, military force, and the systematic suppression of any political opposition. As a result, he maintained his rule for 30 years, relying on networks of loyalty and various international alliances. At the turn of the millennium, Bashar Al-Assad succeeded his father and assumed power. The early years of his rule were telling for the Syrian people, marking the beginning of a harsh regime.

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The Divided State: The DRC’s Battle for Stability and Resources
The Divided State: The DRC’s Battle for Stability and Resources

A Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság ásványkincsei kulcsfontosságúak, de a M23 lázadócsoport és más milíciák konfliktusai súlyosan destabilizálják az országot. A keleti régiók bányái feletti harc nemzetközi cégeket is érint, amelyek közvetetten hozzájárulhatnak a válsághoz. A belső migráció, a humanitárius helyzet és a szomszédos országok befolyása tovább nehezíti a béke elérését, míg a gazdasági károk naponta nőnek.

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The Leopard of Zaire: A Dictator’s Rise and Demise
The Leopard of Zaire: A Dictator's Rise and Demise

The Congo was ruled for 32 years by Mobutu Sese Seko, his reign is infamous for its brutality, corruption, and decadence. Mobutu Sese Seko, once a hopeful political journalist, became one of the world’s most infamous dictators. His rise was achieved through calculated exploitation of political instability. A brutal campaign of terror would be led to eliminate any opponents to tighten his grip on his nation.

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Syria’s Fragile Future: From Assad’s Rule to a Transitional Government
Syria's Fragile Future: From Assad's Rule to a Transitional Government

In 1970, Hafez Al-Assad gained power in Syria through a military coup. He expanded his control through torture, military force, and the systematic suppression of any political opposition. As a result, he maintained his rule for 30 years, relying on networks of loyalty and various international alliances. At the turn of the millennium, Bashar Al-Assad succeeded his father and assumed power. The early years of his rule were telling for the Syrian people, marking the beginning of a harsh regime.

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